Monday, January 4, 2010

January Tracking.

I've always done a "budget" - notice the quotation marks. It's always been a very rudimentary budget. Bills go here, and then I guess at how the leftover money should be divided. Not a very good system, which likely explains why my budgeting system has failed. I don't think I'm realistic with myself about how I spend my money.

So for the month of January, I am going to keep track of every dollar and cent that goes through my little hands and from my Hello Kitty debit card (you're never too old. Promise). It's only January 4th and I'm almost appalled at how much money I've spent in the past 4 days alone! Hello $70 dinner and drinks for E and I. It was fantastic, and he did throw me $20 PLUS pay for our tickets to Avatar, but still! I can see that this month of careful tracking is going to be a wakeup call.

I'll be hiding under the blankets.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hello world.

How does one start a blog?

Dear world... I'm Sarah, and here is my blog. With 2010 creeping about, I have set out to make two resolutions, not just for the upcoming year alone, but for the future.

1) Get out of debt.

2) Learn to embrace high heels and not look like a fool walking in them.

This blog will chronicle both. Be on the lookout :)